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Some orders will not qualify for shipping service. The exclusions include*,
- *Some Beyond point communities in Canada including some northern parts of Ontario, BC, Quebec and Newfoundland.
- *Shipping to Northwest, Yukon and Nunavut Territories
- *Some remote communities of Canada including Northwest, Yukon and Nunavut territories as well as some northern parts of Ontario and Quebec may not qualify for our Free Shipping Offers. Please contact us to confirm before ordering.
Canada is geographically vast. When it comes to shipping costs , we at Carnival Canada try to offer the best value for our customers. In some cases, the products we sell are very heavy or bulky and it’s difficult to determine what the actual shipping cost is until it’s time to prepare your shipping label. We are constantly making improvements to our shopping cart shipping module, to verify if a shipping surcharge is applicable.
You are responsible for your shipping address data entry information. Please make sure we have all the correct information to ensure a smooth delivery. Please include any additional information we may require such as Unit number, Apartment number. PO Box number, Buzz code number etc....
If you fail to enter the correct shipping information, your parcel may not be delivered. In this event it will be returned to our location and you will incur some additional charges. Our free shipping policy will only cover one delivery attempt if the address is not filled in correctly.
In stock orders will ship generally within 1 business day of cleared payment. Most order will ship with ground service, and typically delivers with 1-6 business days. If you require special shipping services, please call our toll free order hotline 1-877-574-8886 We are not a shipping company and cannot guarantee any delivery times or dates.
Some order may offer a shipping upgrade to Expedited Shipping.. This cost of this upgrade is $8.00 CAD. This upgrade may not speed up your delivery date. It will bump your order to the top of our processing priority and in most cases will allow your order to be processed within 2 hours during our business day. It will also allow us to shop the most effective ground shipping option.
Shipping times on custom orders will vary depending on the order. Please read the advertised listing for more information.
All orders are insured to cover damages up to $100.00 CAD. Additional insurance is available at an additional charge. If you wish to add more insurance to your order, please call our toll free order hotline to upgrade your shipping 1-877-574-8886
If you have further questions about the Shipping policies, please email us at or give us a call at 1-877-574-8886